How to Memorize Scripture (this helped me so I had my pastor send me a copy)

Posted by Ryan Foster on


Below is a process that might help you to memorize scripture.  

  • There’s nothing magic about this process but it has worked for some people who felt their memory skills were poor, and therefore it might work for you too. 
  • There’s nothing necessarily easy about this process, meaning no matter what approach you take to memorizing scripture, in the end it will require some time and concentration and effort and perseverance.  There’s no way to get around the fact that you will need to work. But all achievements of value require sacrifice.

1. Read the verse or passage aloud several times.  While reading try to understand what’s being said.  Reading aloud connects the verse with more of your senses (hearing and seeing), increasing ability to remember. As you read the verse add the reference.

2. Write out the verse and reference several times.  As you write it out think about the meaning of the words.  Notice the breakdown of the verse phrase by phrase.

3. Repeat the verse and reference until you can recite it without looking.  You can do this by reciting the first phrase from memory and reading the next.  When ready, recite the first and second phrases from memory before looking at the Bible.  Do this until you can recite the entire verse and reference without looking.  WHEN YOU CAN REPEAT THE ENTIRE VERSE WITHOUT LOOKING NOW YOU ARE READY TO MEMORIZE.

4. Recite the verse and reference from memory aloud 5 times.  After repeating the verse 5 times, check the Bible and make any corrections to your understanding.

5. Repeat the verse and reference again from memory 5 times.  Once again after reciting the verse 5 times from memory, check the Bible to catch any mistakes.

6. Now recite the verse 10 times in succession from memory.  After this again check your memory against what’s written in the Bible.  You should have been able to recite effortlessly and mistake –free by this stage.  If not go back and repeat step #5.  AT THIS POINT YOU ARE READY TO MOVE INTO THE MOST IMPORTANT STEPS:

7. Incorporate the verse in prayer to God.  Pray the verse back to God, asking Him to apply the verse to your life.  If it is a promise, claim it to be true in your life.  If it is a command, ask for grace to obey.  If it is a truth about God, ask Him to transform your understanding to know Him better.

8. Meditate on the truth of the verse.  Ponder how it applies to you.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal applications for your life and situation.  Tell the Holy Spirit it is your intention to be a doer of the word and not merely a hearer.  Ask Him to transform and renew your mind, emotions, attitude etc. according to the truth contained in the verse.


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